Blood or saliva tests can detect cocaine or its metabolites up to two days after the last use. It often lasts three days in a urine test and several months or even years in a hair test. It takes longer for your body to rid itself of cocaine if you use it regularly and in heavy dosages. A heavy cocaine user can show up positive for two weeks in a urine test. The elimination process is also slowed down by other factors, such as weight, metabolism, and alcohol consumption.
What Is Cocaine? How long does cocaine stay in your system?
Coca leaves are used to make cocaine, a potent and addictive stimulant drug. Cocaine can be smoked, snorted, shot, or injected, and it gives the user sensations of alertness, confidence, and happiness. Cocaine is a Schedule II banned substance, therefore it is forbidden to possess it in the US. Drugs under Schedule II are highly abuseable and may cause extreme psychological or physical dependence. There are rigorous limitations on the use of cocaine by doctors for specific medical conditions.
What Factors Affect How Long Cocaine Stays in Your System?
While the information above provides some insight into the potential duration of cocaine’s presence in your system, this might change depending on a variety of factors, such as:
- How much cocaine you have consumed; the longer it can stay in your system, the more cocaine you have consumed.
- How often you use cocaine: It can linger in your system longer if you use it more regularly.
- Your method of consumption: Snorting or dabbing cocaine onto your gums may cause it to stay in your system for longer than smoking or injecting it.
- Whether you have consumed alcohol at the same time as using cocaine or not, doing so has been shown to prolong the duration of time that the drug remains in your system.
- Your weight and metabolism: The longer cocaine can stay in your system, the higher your body fat percentages.
How Long Do Cocaine’s Effects Last?
The typical duration of a cocaine high is 20 to 30 minutes, which motivates users to consume more cocaine, however the aftereffects can last for a little while longer.
Cocaine use’s immediate side effects can include:
- Taking unnecessary risks because of an overconfidence
- Anxiety and agitation
- Physical signs such fever, illness, high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, perspiration, difficulty breathing, and stroke
Among the long-term impacts of cocaine use are:
- Panic and anxiety attacks
- Insomnia
- Psychosis
- Paranoia
- Extreme mood changes having the impression that cocaine has taken over your life
- Despite your best efforts, you discover that you are unable to stop using cocaine
- The day after consuming cocaine, you can also experience what’s known as a cocaine crash.
The signs of a comedown might vary depending on how much cocaine is in your system, but the most prevalent sign is extreme exhaustion. Along with physical symptoms like a stomach ache, you could also feel psychological symptoms like anxiety and despair.
Priory offers drug addiction treatment
Cocaine abuse and addiction are significant issues that can wreak havoc on many different aspects of your life. You don’t have to suffer in silence, though, because cocaine addiction is curable and it is possible for you to get better. Through our nationwide network of addiction hospitals, clinics, and wellness centres, Priory can provide top-notch cocaine treatment.
Our programme for treating cocaine addiction provides:
- Free and without obligation addiction evaluation
- A withdrawal detoxification with medical assistance
- Depending on the type of support you require for your cocaine abuse, residential, nursery, or outpatient treatment options are available.
- Programmes for individual, 1:1 therapy, family, and group therapy.
- A variety of therapy methods both on-site and off-site access 12-Step groups for support
- Free aftercare is offered for 12 months following treatment (if you receive care at Priory Hospital Roehampton, aftercare is offered for life).
- Free family assistance for a year following treatment (if you receive care at Priory Hospital Roehampton, family support is offered for life).